Thursday, August 28, 2008


Well It has been along time since I have updated our blog. I just wanted to let you know that all is well in our family. We have a cute little girl that we are trying to adopt and hopefully we can get that done shortly. Jacob still hasn't finished his eagle project but hopefully that will happen with in this next month. Daniel got his permit and is doing good driving a stick shift. Jay and I and the boys and Valencia (the little girl) have moved to a new home and we are so excited because we now have a 5 bedroom and my mother-in-law is also living with us. Business is doing good and keeping us busy and that is a good thing. Life is just fun and exciting. We all have our ups and downs and we just keep going. I know that we have to pay our tithing and fast offering and do our church callings and also keep faith in the Lord and all will be good. I hope when this blog reaches you that you and your family our all is good health. My mother-in-law hurt herself up in Utah and she is sore but doing better. Well I will keep this more current and not take so long in between. Well just know that we love and miss you all and hope this year is going to be a great year for all. KIDS BACK TO SCHOOL!!!! Yeah!!!

Love us in North Las Vegas


Lisa said...

way to go guys a little girl hu that is way cool I know your boys probalay dont remember us we have been so far away for so long how do you aquire a little girl that will be fun for you and what our you guys doing for work now keep in touch and I will call you if you send me your number in email

Stofam said...

Holy Cow! Long time no see! It's me, Sheree Faulkner (now Storrer)! Your family is so big and the kids are all grown up now!! I can't believe it! I hope this finds you all well! If you are curious, our blog is
I have a little boy that is one now!! Freaky huh?!